Professional Development


We work with education and business institutions to help create, facilitate, and certify
the on-boarding of all new employees as well as manage Continuous Professional
Development (CPD).  In partnership with clients, we customize and streamline the on-boarding
process in order to assure quality, standard practice, and policy adherence.


We assist schools and business in developing and implementing online employee 360° evaluations. Through competency evaluation, institutions are able to target
and track learning in the 70:20:10 model for professional development.

webinars & competencies

We use synchronous conferencing tools to host live webinars. Webinars can be attended live or can also be archived. Our experts plan and deliver high end webinars to introduce new concepts, host Q&A sessions, and provide ongoing support for individuals and groups.   


We help new and veteran teachers, existing trainers, and business professionals advance their profession to the next level by offering online and/or blended training courses. Our training courses are designed and facilitated by a team of experts.


In partnership, we accelerate innovative practices by introducing and exploring new modalities and technologies to enhance learning.

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